This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 818369. AgroBioHeat project aims to produce a mass deployment of improved and market ready agrobiomass heating solutions in Europe. Agrobiomass is a large, underexploited and indigenous resource, which can support the achievement of the European Energy and Climate targets, while promoting rural development and circular economy. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 818369.
For a fair and people-powered energy system, BECoop (2020-2023), a project funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme, aims at putting communities in charge of their local renewable (bio)energy generation. Community bioenergy schemes can play a catalytic role in the market uptake of bioenergy heating technologies, yet their deployment nowadays remains significantly slow: biomass-based communities account for only a minor share of existing RESCoops compared to solar or wind. In terms of production, electricity takes the lion’s share, in contrast to heating.
A residential self-consumption installation can provide free energy from the sun that can reduce the energy bill by hundreds of euros annually. FREE SOLAR will allow consumers and small or medium-sized enterprises to self-finance the cost of their PV installation without any capital expenditure, based on savings generated by the PV installation once it is functional and generate free solar energy for over 25 years! Our ambition is to provide solar energy to every Greek citizen and help our country to stop climate change, while contributing to the creation of a fair solar economy for all. We are starting with our first pilot FREE SOLAR program in the Region of Thessaly and soon we will be near you in other regions of Greece!
LEADER + (CSF 2000-2006)
LEADER + (CSF 2000-2006): LEADER + is a EU initiative designed to improve the quality of life of the population of the countryside and to attract young people into the rural economy, by implementing a set of actions which will meet both the national and community priorities for the 3rd programming period (employment, equality, environmental protection, etc.). The objective of the initiative is to develop the competitiveness of rural regions by making better use of natural, human and financial resources and by discovering new sources of income while also protecting the natural and cultural heritage. The programme is co-financed by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund – Guidance Section (EAGGF-G) and the Public Investment Programme of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food (Total Cost: 368,693,321 - Public Expenditure: 255,778,400 - Community Contribution: 186,129,877 – National Contribution: 69,648,523 - Own Contribution: 112,914,921). The objective of the initiative is to develop the competitiveness of rural regions by making better use of natural, human and financial resources and by discovering new sources of income while also protecting the natural and cultural heritage.
Integrated Rural Development Programs
Integrated Rural Development Programs: Designing and implementation of policies for the integrated and sustainable development of rural areas with an ultimate purpose the reorganization of them. The policies have as an objective the financial, social and cultural upgrade of rural areas in a way that secures the financial sovereignty, the protection of the environment and the preservation of cultural heritage. The programme is cofounded by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and by Thessaly OP (Regional Operational Programme).
Έργο εικονικού ενεργειακού συμψηφισμού 1.2 MW
Λέβητας σε σχολείο
The ambition of BECoop is to provide the necessary conditions and technical as well as business support tools for unlocking the underlying market potential of community bioenergy, fostering new links and partnerships.
The project BECoop has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952930. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.